The Optik Web Creative UpTime Guarantee means that we guarantee your completed website will be available for viewing 99.9% of the time.

We cannot and do not guarantee 100% uptime, as anything can happen at any time.

We do take every possible precaution to minimise lack of service - for example, should a particular DataCentre which ordinarily hosts your site be affected by technical issues, your website will be made available through others in as seamless a transition as possible.

However, there may be times when these a lack of service is unavoidable, and in this instance you will be notified as far in advance as possible.

Although these occurrences are extremely infrequent, they do occasionally happen.

Are there permanent exclusions to the UpTime guarantee?

Unfortunately, yes there are, but these are very few and very specific.

  • UK Wide internet loss
  • ISP fault (non DataCentre - our DataCentres have internet provision through multiple sources) - your website would still be available to the internet via other ISPs.
  • Court-Order to take the website down